Sustainable Development Goals

Scouting, as one of the world’s leading educational youth movements, is uniquely designed to equip young people with the competencies to be active citizens and contribute to sustainable development.

Additionally, with the Movement reaching and engaging over 50 million Scouts and young people around the world as active citizens, it is perfectly positioned to not only support the achievement of many SDGs but accelerate the progress as well.

Scouting, since its inception 110 years ago, started with the mission to respond and address the needs of the community. Throughout the world, Scouts work towards creating positive change and establishing peace in their communities in many ways – from imparting social entrepreneurial skills; advocating gender equality, peace, human rights and environmental conservation; to facilitating conflict resolution; and providing emergency response.

Under the Global programme Scouts for SDGs, Scouts of Greece are proudly ambassadors of SGDs in Greece in an effort to mobilize their members to work locally towards a more sustainable way of living.